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You cannot benefit from minerals unless you can absorb them. The absorption of minerals primarily takes place within the small intestines. As food matter passes through the intestines, minerals transfer into the blood stream through the walls of the intestines. This can only happen if the minerals are ionically charged. Although stomach acid helps ionize the minerals in foods, a mineral supplement should contain already naturally ionized minerals to be fully absorbed. Traditionally, eating fresh grains, fruits, and vegetables grown in nutrient-rich soil has been the primary supply for a full spectrum of ionic minerals. Unfortunately in today’s world, naturally occurring, nutrient-rich soil is becoming increasingly rare. Eons of vegetation growth and aggressive modern farming techniques have brought many of the earth’s minerals to the surface where they have been washed away. Synthesized fertilizers are routinely applied to farms and fields where minerals have been depleted. But man-made fertilizers provide only enough mineral substance to support basic plant life. Numerous trace minerals essential to human life don’t get replenished.


Minerals are the elements that comprise the entire universe, the Earth, and everything on it, including you. Your body is truly a masterpiece formed from these same elements. As such, it is important to constantly replenish your body with the elements it expends on a daily basis. Chemical and electrical processes are occurring within your body at every moment. These processes can only function correctly if the proper balance of minerals is continually being supplied to your system. Iron for your blood, sulfur for your muscles, calcium for your bones, and an aggregation of many other elements in balanced trace amounts help to ensure the proper function of your body. Did you know that without minerals, vitamins are useless? All bodily processes depend on the action and interaction of minerals. They make our heart beat, our brain think, our lungs breath, they build our bones, maintain our skin and so much more. Minerals and trace-minerals are the very compounds of life, they are the backbones of our bodies and the wealth of the soils. They are not a therapy, not an -oligotherapy-, but the very structure of the world and any living organisms on it.



Malnutrition begins with the soil. Human health depends on wholesome food, and this can only come from fertile and productive soils. Minerals in the soil control the metabolism of cells in the plant, animal and man. If soil is deficient in trace elements, food and water will be equally deficient.

Dr Alexis Carrel, Nobel Prize winner, wrote in 1912 that "since soil is the basis for all human life our only hope for a healthy world rests on reestablishing the harmony in the soil we have disrupted by our modern methods of agronomy."

The alarming fact is that foods (fruits, vegetables, grains) are now being raised on millions of acres of land that no longer contain enough of certain minerals. The standard NPK (nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium) fertilizer farmers commonly use is able to restore the soil enough to grow fruits and vegetables which are healthy looking, but may be entirely lacking in trace minerals. The inventor of the entire NPK philosophy, Baron von Leibig, recanted his own theories before he died when he saw the deficiencies his methods were fostering as they became the agricultural standard in both Europe and America. Mineral depletion in topsoil is hardly a controversial issue. The question is not if, but how much.

According to a paper read at the 1994 meeting of the International Society for Systems Sciences, this century is the first time ever that “mineral content available to forest and agricultural root systems is down 25%-40%.” Less forests means less topsoil. In the past 200 years, the U.S. has lost as much as 75% of its topsoil, according to John Robbins in his Pulitzer-nominated work Diet for a New America

The second contributor to mineral deficiency within the population is obviously diet. Even if our produce did contain abundant minerals, less than 4% of the population eats sufficient fruits and vegetables to account for minimal RDAs. To compound matters, mass amounts of processed food, excess protein, and refined sugars require most of our mineral stores in order to digest it and remove it. The removal process involves enzymes, which break things down. Enzyme activity, remember, is completely dependent on minerals like zinc and copper and chromium. No minerals – no enzyme action. In addition, pasteurized dairy products, alcohol, and drugs inhibit the absorption of these minerals, further depleting reserves. So it is cyclical: refined foods inhibit mineral absorption, which then are not themselves efficiently digested because of diminished enzyme activity.


Colloidal solutions are pure water solutions composed of small particles held electrically in a state of natural suspension. The ionic solutions are, as their name suggests, solutions containing free ions. In both cases these materials are so small that they penetrate instantaneously the cellular medium, even by simple contact of the liquid on the skin. The minerals in ionic and colloidal form are highly activated and "ready to use" for our cellular environment.

At the turn of the last century scientists discovered that body fluids were colloidal in nature. Indeed, all our circulatory or tissue biology is governed by osmosis or transfer phenomena that mobilize the colloidal medium. Our blood contains 30g of organic cellular material of all orders for 1 liter of plasma. This is the first vital colloid. The same applies for our lymph, as well as for all interstitial liquids which are also of colloidal nature.

The bioavailability of these solutions surpasses that of mineral supplements in pills or tablets. Assimilation rates of the various mineral supplements remain a hot topic. It ranges according to metals and ligands from 10% (Iron) to 20-25% (Magnesium) up to 50% (Copper). As stated in the Journal of Chiropractic Economics (March 1998), 250,000 pounds of undigested mineral and vitamin tablets and pills are pulled out of the city sewage filters every 6 weeks in Seattle, WA. Some of them with the brand names still readable.

Marie-France Muller - 2008


These solutions are obtained using sophisticated equipment, while adapting the methods according to the physical specificities of each mineral. Colloidal minerals are prepared by high voltage electrolysis, plasma arc evaporation or Microwave Oven Transformer (MOT). The ionic solutions are obtained by ionization and chemical manipulation.


Mixed with pure water, the particles of a size less than 1 nm are considered a SOLUTION. Above 100 nm, they are a DISPERSION. 1 to 100 nm, are COLLOIDAL.

1 millimeter: 1000 microns 1 micron: 1000 nanometers 1 nanometer: 10 angstroms

The punctuation period ". " has a size of 1,000,000 nm, or 1 milimeter or 0.001 meter. The thickness of a hair is 76,200 nanometers. The typical size of a human cell is 10 microns or 10,000 nm

Gold colloids using electronic lithography


It is not dangerous to temporarily double or triple the recommended doses. However, please respect the dosage. It is better to avoid overdosing over extended periods to create no mineral imbalance. If you suffer from a mineral deficiency an overdose will not restore the balance faster. Better use a wooden or plastic spoon, as the metal contact would cancel the electrical charge in the liquid. Dietary supplements cannot be substituted to a healthy and varied diet. Keep reach out from children. Do not drink from the bottle.

Liquids can be stored at room temperature for varying periods. Colloidal Gold and Platinum can be stored for several years without loss of potential. Iodine is storable up to three years. Zinc and Copper, powerfully anti-bacterialial bynature, are storable up to 2 years. Iron, particularly sensitive to oxidation, should be consumed within 2 months. Other products have a lifetime of six months bottle open or closed.


What is mineralisation ?























Liquid minerals Silver47

Liquid minerals are pure water solutions composed of free ions in motion. In this form, these elements are "ready to use" and absorbable by our internal environment without requiring decomposition by the digestive system. Naturally catalytic and of a tiny size (from 1 to 10 Å), the ions are tiny electrically charged particles, they are the natural currency of the organism.

In nature plants capture mineral substances from soils and retain them in their fluids in the ionic state, these substances are transmitted to us when we eat them in their turn. Liquid mineral solutions mimic this natural process, the interest of which is to propose substances that our biology will recognize as its own.

The mineral kingdom

Minerals are the elements that comprise the entire universe, the Earth, and everything on it, including you. Your body is truly a masterpiece formed from these same elements. As such, it is important to constantly replenish your body with the elements it expends on a daily basis. Chemical and electrical processes are occurring within your body at every moment. These processes can only function correctly if the proper balance of minerals is continually being supplied to your system. Iron for your blood, sulfur for your muscles, calcium for your bones, and an aggregation of many other elements in balanced trace amounts help to ensure the proper function of your body. Did you know that without minerals, vitamins are useless? All bodily processes depend on the action and interaction of minerals. They make our heart beat, our brain think, our lungs breath, they build our bones, maintain our skin and so much more. Minerals and trace-minerals are the very compounds of life, they are the backbones of our bodies and the wealth of the soils. They are not a therapy, not an -oligotherapy-, but the very structure of the world and any living organisms on it.

The periodic table

Malnutrition does exists in developed countries

Malnutrition begins with the soil. Human health depends on wholesome food, and this can only come from fertile and productive soils. Minerals in the soil control the metabolism of cells in the plant, animal and man. If soil is deficient in trace elements, food and water will be equally deficient.

Dr Alexis Carrel, Nobel Prize winner, wrote in 1912 that "since soil is the basis for all human life our only hope for a healthy world rests on reestablishing the harmony in the soil we have disrupted by our modern methods of agronomy."

The alarming fact is that foods (fruits, vegetables, grains) are now being raised on millions of acres of land that no longer contain enough of certain minerals. The standard NPK (nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium) fertilizer farmers commonly use is able to restore the soil enough to grow fruits and vegetables which are healthy looking, but may be entirely lacking in trace minerals. The inventor of the entire NPK philosophy, Baron von Leibig, recanted his own theories before he died when he saw the deficiencies his methods were fostering as they became the agricultural standard in both Europe and America. Mineral depletion in topsoil is hardly a controversial issue. The question is not if, but how much.

According to a paper read at the 1994 meeting of the International Society for Systems Sciences, this century is the first time ever that “mineral content available to forest and agricultural root systems is down 25%-40%.” Less forests means less topsoil. In the past 200 years, the U.S. has lost as much as 75% of its topsoil, according to John Robbins in his Pulitzer-nominated work Diet for a New America

The second contributor to mineral deficiency within the population is obviously diet. Even if our produce did contain abundant minerals, less than 4% of the population eats sufficient fruits and vegetables to account for minimal RDAs. To compound matters, mass amounts of processed food, excess protein, and refined sugars require most of our mineral stores in order to digest it and remove it. The removal process involves enzymes, which break things down. Enzyme activity, remember, is completely dependent on minerals like zinc and copper and chromium. No minerals – no enzyme action. In addition, pasteurized dairy products, alcohol, and drugs inhibit the absorption of these minerals, further depleting reserves. So it is cyclical: refined foods inhibit mineral absorption, which then are not themselves efficiently digested because of diminished enzyme activity.

Claude and Lydia Bourguignon, Soils healers

Liquid minerals mimics nature

Colloidal solutions are pure water solutions composed of small particles held electrically in a state of natural suspension. The ionic solutions are, as their name suggests, solutions containing free ions. In both cases these materials are so small that they penetrate instantaneously the cellular medium, even by simple contact of the liquid on the skin. The minerals in ionic and colloidal form are highly activated and "ready to use" for our cellular environment.

At the turn of the last century scientists discovered that body fluids were colloidal in nature. Indeed, all our circulatory or tissue biology is governed by osmosis or transfer phenomena that mobilize the colloidal medium. Our blood contains 30g of organic cellular material of all orders for 1 liter of plasma. This is the first vital colloid. The same applies for our lymph, as well as for all interstitial liquids which are also of colloidal nature.

The bioavailability of these solutions surpasses that of mineral supplements in pills or tablets. Assimilation rates of the various mineral supplements remain a hot topic. It ranges according to metals and ligands from 10% (Iron) to 20-25% (Magnesium) up to 50% (Copper). As stated in the Journal of Chiropractic Economics (March 1998), 250,000 pounds of undigested mineral and vitamin tablets and pills are pulled out of the city sewage filters every 6 weeks in Seattle, WA. Some of them with the brand names still readable.

From latin nutrire : to nourish

How ?

These solutions are obtained using sophisticated equipment, while adapting the methods according to the physical specificities of each mineral. Colloidal minerals are prepared by high voltage electrolysis, plasma arc evaporation or Microwave Oven Transformer (MOT). The ionic solutions are obtained by ionization and chemical manipulation.

A few notions of scale
A few notions of scale

Mixed with pure water, the particles of a size less than 1 nm are considered a SOLUTION. Above 100 nm, they are a DISPERSION. 1 to 100 nm, are COLLOIDAL.

1 millimeter: 1000 microns 1 micron: 1000 nanometers 1 nanometer: 10 angstroms

The punctuation period ". " has a size of 1,000,000 nm, or 1 milimeter or 0.001 meter. The thickness of a hair is 76,200 nanometers. The typical size of a human cell is 10 microns or 10,000 nm

Gold colloids using electronic lithography


Precautions and storage

It is not dangerous to temporarily double or triple the recommended doses. However, please respect the dosage. It is better to avoid overdosing over extended periods to create no mineral imbalance. If you suffer from a mineral deficiency an overdose will not restore the balance faster. Better use a wooden or plastic spoon, as the metal contact would cancel the electrical charge in the liquid. Dietary supplements cannot be substituted to a healthy and varied diet. Keep reach out from children. Do not drink from the bottle.

Liquids can be stored at room temperature for varying periods. Colloidal Gold and Platinum can be stored for several years without loss of potential. Iodine is storable up to three years. Zinc and Copper, powerfully anti-bacterialial bynature, are storable up to 2 years. Iron, particularly sensitive to oxidation, should be consumed within 2 months. Other products have a lifetime of six months bottle open or closed.